Screenshot of a Jupyter Notebook on quantum mechanics by Robert Johansson
After typing the command jupyter notebook
, the following happens:
The Jupyter Notebook server opens the Jupyter notebook client, also known as the notebook user interface, in your default web browser.
The Jupyter notebook file browser
To create a new Python notebook select the “New” dropdown on the upper right of the screen.
The Jupyter notebook file browser
When you can create a new notebook and type code into the browser, the web browser and the Jupyter notebook server communicate with each other.
A new, blank Jupyter notebook
Under the “help” menu, take a quick interactive tour of how to use the notebook. Help on Jupyter and key workshop packages is available here too.
User interface tour and Help
The web browser then displays the updated notebook to you.
For example, click in the first cell and type some Python code.
A Code cell
This is a Code cell (see the cell type dropdown with the word Code). To run the cell, type Shift+Return.
A Code cell and its output
Let’s look at a Markdown cell. Markdown is a text manipulation language that is readable yet offers additional formatting. Don’t forget to select Markdown from the cell type dropdown. Click in the cell and enter the markdown text.
A markdown input cell
To run the cell, type Shift+Return.
A rendered markdown cell
This workflow has several advantages:
.The notebook has two modes of operation: Control and Edit. Control mode lets you edit notebook level features; while, Edit mode lets you change the contents of a notebook cell. Remember a notebook is made up of a number of cells which can contain code, markdown, html, visualizations, and more.
Use the Help menu and its options when needed.