Career Profile
When working with data to answer questions about a topic, I draw from my experience as a scientist. I like to work at the intersection of mathematics and other fields. I rely on open source tools in my daily work for their large supportive communities and their expandability.
Organisation and teaching of workshops on basic Data Science skills with spreadsheets, OpenRefine, R and Python. Data cleaning and analysis, development of R shiny dashboards. Organisation and moderation of online events including seminars and community meetups.
- tools taught: R, RStudio, Python, Jupyter Notebooks
- tools used: Vidyo, Zoom, Trello, GitHub, R, RStudio
Analysis of environmental data from several field campaigns, numerical modelling of hydro-ecosystems, field work and lab experiments for projects in estuarine hydro-ecology, oceanography, and algae biofuel research. Administrative tasks and acquisition of third party funds.
- data analysis and management (using Unix Shell, Matlab, R, SQL)
- mathematical modelling (differential equations, hydrodynamic models)
- software installations for research group (linux server)
- student training and supervision (Honours and Masters level)
- field work (boat based sampling in estuaries and sea, analysis of water samples)
- lab experiments (photo-bioreactor, wave tank experiments)
- scientific writing
- funding acquisition
- project planning
- training workshop organisation
- field/lab instrument setup and servicing (multiparameter probes, PIV system, wave generator)
Mathematical modelling and field observations to understand microalgal dynamics in a large estuarine lake with highly variable environmental conditions.
- mathematical modelling (differential equations)
- statistical analyses (regression models, canonical correspondence analysis, multidimensional scaling)
- field work (sampling in estuaries, microscopic analysis)
- student supervision
- scientific writing
- project planning
Development of mathematical models of the photosynthetic electron transport using coupled differential equations.
Development of a trait-based predator-prey model, which allows simulation of a continuum of different species and its adaptability to altered growth conditions using coupled differential equations.
My dissertation research focused on dynamics of aquatic organisms (phytoplankton, zooplankton) in dependence on environmental conditions. I used descriptive statistics, multiple regression models, and process-oriented dynamic simulation models to analyse 20-year field data and experimental data.
Simulating dynamics of aquatic micro-organisms and nutrients with a mathematical model (ordinary differential equations) and model analysis.
These projects show some of my work I did apart from my research which is documented in publications (see below).
Workshops with The Carpentries: I am teaching basic concepts in R (with tidyverse) and Python (with SciPy), but also general concepts of data organisation and reproducibility. All lessons are continously developed by the community and hosted on GitHub. In particular I contributed to the following lessons: Python Ecology, Python Social Sciences, R ecology.
Universal Data Literacy - Data Organisation in Spreadsheets, Data Cleaning with OpenRefine, Data Analysis and Visualisation with R or Python, Data Management with SQL
taught in: April 2019, February 2019, January 2019, September 2018, July 2018, March 2018, January 2018, September 2017
Basic lab skills for research computing - The Unix Shell, Programming with R or Python, Version Control and Sharing with Git/GitHub
taught in: December 2018
Basics of educational psychology and instructional design and how to use these ideas in both intensive workshops and regular classes
taught in: March 2019
Selected scientific papers demonstrating data analysis and mathematical modeling projects in my research.