Manipulating DataFrames with pandas


Teaching: 30 min
Exercises: 30 min
  • How can I reshape DataFrames and make tables?

  • Can I work with data from multiple sources?

  • How can I combine data from different data sets?

  • Reshape data by making pivot_tables and melting tables. - Combine data from multiple files into a single DataFrame using merge and concat. - Combine two DataFrames using a unique ID found in both DataFrames. - Join DataFrames using common fields (join keys).

Reshaping DataFrames

Many analyses and statistical functions require for the data to be in a specific format. We learned about the so-called “long” and “wide” format earlier. Pandas DataFrames have methods to change between these formats.

Let’s say we want to summarise rainfall for the individual raingauges per day and want to have the rainfall spread out with one column for each day and one row for each raingauge (wide format or matrix like or ).

We can use

rainfall_day = rainfall_df.groupby(by=['day','raingauges_id']).sum()

to summarise per day and raingauge, but then we will still have all the rainfall values in one column.

Note, that the two grouping variables raingauges_id and day now appear as an index, not a column. If we want them as columns again we can use

rainfall_day = rainfall_day.reset_index()

To reshape the DataFrame after summarising it we can use method .pivot(). pivot() takes the arguments index, columns, and values.

With index we define which variable should be spreasd out into rows, i.e. 'raingauges_id' in our example; with columns we define the variable we want to turn into several columns, i.e. 'day' in our example; and with values we tell Python which variable holds the measurements we want to fill in, i.e. 'data' in our example.

rainfall_day_wide = rainfall_day.pivot(index='raingauges_id',columns='day', values='data')

day             1         2         3         4         5         6         7
1             NaN  0.360000  0.333333  0.304348  0.257143  0.369620  0.200000
2             NaN  0.133333  0.733333  0.208696  0.397101  0.316667  0.200000
3             NaN  0.000000  0.800000  0.200000  0.323810  0.234568       NaN
4             NaN  0.733333  0.133333  0.266667  0.297674  0.370093  0.733333
5             NaN  0.200000  0.333333  0.340000  0.286207  0.472897  0.200000

Note, that raingauges_id now appears as the index, not a column, the 7 days are the columns. If we need the raingauges_id values to be presented in a column, we can use:

# reset_index to get column with raingauges_id
rainfall_day_wide = rainfall_day_wide.reset_index()

Also note the nan values that were introduced when there was no rainfall value for a day - raingauge combination.

Getting data back into long format

We can take the rainfall_day_wide DataFrame we just created and reshape it into the “long” format, i.e. one column with raingauge_ids, one column with days and one column with the measured values using the method .melt(). melt() needs the information which columns are index- or key-variables and which colums are values, i.e. measured data (when defining id variables melt assumes by default that all other columns are values):

# melt data with raingauges_id as id variable
rainfall_day_long = rainfall_day_wide.melt(id_vars='raingauges_id', var_name='day')


Summarise data per region and day and reshape the data so that they have one column per region and the days as row index using group_by() and pivot().

Optional: Instead of using group_by() to summarise the data and pivot() to reshape, try to do both at once using the function pivot_table().

How to use pivot_table

rainfall_day_wide = rainfall_data.pivot_table(values='data', index='day', columns='region', aggfunc='sum')

Combining DataFrames

In many “real world” situations, the data that we want to use come in multiple files. We often need to combine these files into a single DataFrame to analyze the data. The pandas package provides various methods for combining DataFrames including merge and concat.

To work through the examples below, we first need to load the different files into pandas DataFrames. We will work with the files ‘raingauge_data.csv’, ‘raingauges.csv’ and ‘region.csv’.

(If done SQL already remember the files from there, otherwise open in text editor for first look)

import pandas as pd
rain_df = pd.read_csv("data/raingauge_data.csv")
gauges_df = pd.read_csv("data/raingauges.csv")
  id                  name  location_x  location_y  region_id reference  \
0   1        BLUFF RES NO.3   31.005075  -29.933965          1    bluff3   
1   2   CHATSWORTH RES NO.1   30.900285  -29.911171          1    chats1   
2   3   CHATSWORTH RES NO.4   30.859903  -29.903620          1    chats4   
3   4  CITY ENGINEER'S DEPT   31.023634  -29.851328          1   cityeng   
4   5        CRABTREE S-P-S   30.992646  -29.883997          1  crabtree   

0       66  
1       70  
2       71  
3       26  
4       32  
regions_df = pd.read_csv("data/regions.csv", names=('id','region'))

Take note that the read_csv method we used can take some additional options which we didn’t use previously. Many functions in python have a set of options that can be set by the user if needed. In this case we used name to hand over a list with column names, since the region.csv file missed column names. More about all of the read_csv options here.

Concatenating DataFrames

We can use the concat function in Pandas to append either columns or rows from one DataFrame to another. Let’s grab two subsets of our data to see how this works.

# read in first 10 lines of rain table
rain_sub = rain_df.head(10)
# grab the last 10 rows 
rain_sub_last10 = rain_df.tail(10)
#reset the index values to the second dataframe appends properly
# drop=True option avoids adding new index column with old index values

When we concatenate DataFrames, we need to specify the axis. axis=0 tells Pandas to stack the second DataFrame under the first one. It will automatically detect whether the column names are the same and will stack accordingly. axis=1 will stack the columns in the second DataFrame to the RIGHT of the first DataFrame. To stack the data vertically, we need to make sure we have the same columns and associated column format in both datasets. When we stack horizontally, we want to make sure what we are doing makes sense (ie the data are related in some way).

# stack the DataFrames on top of each other
vertical_stack = pd.concat([rain_sub, rain_sub_last10], axis=0)

# place the DataFrames side by side
horizontal_stack = pd.concat([rain_sub, rain_sub_last10], axis=1)

Row Index Values and Concat

Have a look at the vertical_stack dataframe? Notice anything unusual? The row indexes for the two data frames rain_sub and rain_sub_last10 have been repeated. We can reindex the new dataframe using the reset_index() method.


Challenge - Combine Data

In the data folder, there are two rainfall data files: rainfallNorth.csv and rainfallSouth.csv. Read the data into python and combine the files to make one new data frame. Export your results as a CSV and make sure it reads back into python properly.

Joining DataFrames

When we concatenated our DataFrames we simply added them to each other - stacking them either vertically or side by side. Another way to combine DataFrames is to use columns in each dataset that contain common values (a common unique id). Combining DataFrames using a common field is called “joining”. The columns containing the common values are called “join key(s)”. Joining DataFrames in this way is often useful when one DataFrame is a “lookup table” containing additional data that we want to include in the other.

NOTE: This process of joining tables is similar to what we do with tables in an SQL database.

For example, the raingauges.csv and the regions.csv file are lookup tables. The raingauges.csv table contains the name, x and y coordinates, and a short reference for the 42 raingauges. The raingauges id is unique for each line. These raingauges are identified in our rainfall data as well using the unique id. Rather than adding more columns for the name, location etc to each of the 6,749 lines in the rainfall data table, we can maintain the shorter table with the raingauges information. When we want to access that information, we can create a query that joins the additional columns of information to the rainfall data.

Storing data in this way has many benefits including:

  1. It ensures consistency in the spelling of raingauge attributes (name, reference …) given each raingauge is only entered once. Imagine the possibilities for spelling errors when entering the raingauge names thousands of times!
  2. It also makes it easy for us to make changes to the raingauge information once without having to find each instance of it in the larger rainfall data.
  3. It optimizes the size of our data.

Joining Two DataFrames

# read in rainfall data 
rain_df = pd.read_csv('data/raingauge_data.csv')

# read in raingauge infos 
gauges_df = pd.read_csv('data/raingauges.csv')

In this example, gauges_df is the lookup table containing name and location of raingauges that we want to join with the data in rain_df to produce a new DataFrame that contains all of the columns from both rain_df and gauges_df.

Identifying join keys

To identify appropriate join keys we first need to know which field(s) are shared between the files (DataFrames). We might inspect both DataFrames to identify these columns. If we are lucky, both DataFrames will have columns with the same name that also contain the same data. If we are less lucky, we need to identify a (differently-named) column in each DataFrame that contains the same information.


Index(['id', 'name', 'location_x', 'location_y', 'region_id', 'reference', 'ward_id'],

Index(['ID', 'UT', 'data', 'raingauges_id'], dtype='object')

In our example, the join key is the column containing the id (integer between 1 and 44) for the raingauge, which is called id in the gauges table and raingauges_id in the rain table.

Now that we know the fields with the common raingauge ID attributes in each DataFrame, we are almost ready to join our data. However, since there are different types of joins, we also need to decide which type of join makes sense for our analysis.

Inner joins

The most common type of join is called an inner join. An inner join combines two DataFrames based on a join key and returns a new DataFrame that contains only those rows that have matching values in both of the original DataFrames.

Inner joins yield a DataFrame that contains only rows where the value exists in BOTH tables. An example of an inner join, adapted from this page is below:

Inner join -- courtesy of

The pandas function for performing joins is called merge and an Inner join is the default option:

merged_inner = pd.merge(left=rain_df,right=gauges_df, left_on='raingauges_id', right_on='id')
# since the keys have different names (`raingauges_id` and `id`) in the two dataframes we have to define the join keys with `left_on` and `right_on`. If the join keys would have the same name we could skip `left_on` and `right_on` 

# what's the size of the output data?


The result of an inner join of rain_df and gauges_df is a new DataFrame that contains the combined set of columns from rain_df and gauges_df. It only contains rows that have raingauge ids that are the same in both the rain_df and gauges_df DataFrames. In other words, if a row in rain_df has a value of raingauges_id that does not appear in the id column of gauges_df, it will not be included in the DataFrame returned by an inner join. Similarly, if a row in gauges_df has a value of id that does not appear in the raingauges_id column of rain_df, that row will not be included in the DataFrame returned by an inner join.

The two DataFrames that we want to join are passed to the merge function using the left and right argument. The left_on='raingauges_id' argument tells merge to use the raingauges_id column as the join key from rain_sub (the left DataFrame). Similarly , the right_on='id' argument tells merge to use the id column as the join key from gauges_df (the right DataFrame). For inner joins, the order of the left and right arguments does not matter.

The result merged_inner DataFrame contains all of the columns from rain_df (ID, UT, data etc.) as well as all the columns from gauges_df (id, name, location_x, etc).

In our case merged_inner has fewer rows than rain_df. This is an indication that there were rows in rain_df with value(s) for raingauges_id that do not exist as value(s) for id in gauges_df.

Left joins

What if we want to add information from gauges_df to rain_df without losing any of the information from rain_df? In this case, we use a different type of join called a “left outer join”, or a “left join”.

Like an inner join, a left join uses join keys to combine two DataFrames. Unlike an inner join, a left join will return all of the rows from the left DataFrame, even those rows whose join key(s) do not have values in the right DataFrame. Rows in the left DataFrame that are missing values for the join key(s) in the right DataFrame will simply have null (i.e., NaN or None) values for those columns in the resulting joined DataFrame.

Note: a left join will still discard rows from the right DataFrame that do not have values for the join key(s) in the left DataFrame.

Left Join

A left join is performed in pandas by calling the same merge function used for inner join, but using the how='left' argument:

merged_left = pd.merge(left=survey_sub,right=species_sub, how='left', left_on='species_id', right_on='species_id')



         ID          UT  data  raingauges_id    id                  name  \
0         1  1512227100   0.6              1   1.0        BLUFF RES NO.3   
1         2  1512227400   0.8              1   1.0        BLUFF RES NO.3   
2         3  1512227700   0.2              1   1.0        BLUFF RES NO.3   
3         4  1512228000   0.2              1   1.0        BLUFF RES NO.3   
4         5  1512252000     0              1   1.0        BLUFF RES NO.3   
5         6  1512325800   0.2              1   1.0        BLUFF RES NO.3   
6         7  1512326100   0.2              1   1.0        BLUFF RES NO.3   
7         8  1512326400   0.4              1   1.0        BLUFF RES NO.3   
8         9  1512326700   0.8              1   1.0        BLUFF RES NO.3   
9        10  1512327000   0.4              1   1.0        BLUFF RES NO.3   
10       11  1512338400     0              1   1.0        BLUFF RES NO.3   
11       12  1512226800   0.2              2   2.0   CHATSWORTH RES NO.1   
12       13  1512227100   0.2              2   2.0   CHATSWORTH RES NO.1   
13       14  1512252000     0              2   2.0   CHATSWORTH RES NO.1   
14       15  1512325500   0.2              2   2.0   CHATSWORTH RES NO.1   
15       16  1512325800   0.6              2   2.0   CHATSWORTH RES NO.1   
16       17  1512326100   1.6              2   2.0   CHATSWORTH RES NO.1   
17       18  1512326400   1.8              2   2.0   CHATSWORTH RES NO.1   
18       19  1512326700   0.2              2   2.0   CHATSWORTH RES NO.1   
19       20  1512338400     0              2   2.0   CHATSWORTH RES NO.1   
20       21  1512252000     0              3   3.0   CHATSWORTH RES NO.4   
21       22  1512325500   0.4              3   3.0   CHATSWORTH RES NO.4   
22       23  1512325800   1.4              3   3.0   CHATSWORTH RES NO.4   
23       24  1512326100   2.6              3   3.0   CHATSWORTH RES NO.4   
24       25  1512326400   0.2              3   3.0   CHATSWORTH RES NO.4   
25       26  1512331800   0.2              3   3.0   CHATSWORTH RES NO.4   
26       27  1512338400     0              3   3.0   CHATSWORTH RES NO.4   
27       28  1512227100   1.8              4   4.0  CITY ENGINEER'S DEPT   
28       29  1512227400   0.4              4   4.0  CITY ENGINEER'S DEPT   
29       30  1512252000     0              4   4.0  CITY ENGINEER'S DEPT   
    ...         ...   ...            ...   ...                   ...   
6719  71602  1512624300   0.4             34  34.0          ISIPINGO RES   
6720  71603  1512625200   0.2             34  34.0          ISIPINGO RES   
6721  71604  1512626400   0.2             34  34.0          ISIPINGO RES   
6722  71621  1512624300   0.2             42  42.0           AMANZIMTOTI   
6723  71625  1512629100   0.2              2   2.0   CHATSWORTH RES NO.1   
6724  71628  1512629100   0.2              5   5.0        CRABTREE S-P-S   
6725  71647  1512627000   0.2             18  18.0         WENTWORTH RES   
6726  71662  1512629100   0.2             36  36.0              RIVERLEA   
6727  71678  1512633900   0.2              1   1.0        BLUFF RES NO.3   
6728  71679  1512634200   0.2              1   1.0        BLUFF RES NO.3   
6729  71682  1512632400   0.2              4   4.0  CITY ENGINEER'S DEPT   
6730  71685  1512634200   0.2              5   5.0        CRABTREE S-P-S   
6731  71686  1512634500   0.2              5   5.0        CRABTREE S-P-S   
6732  71687  1512635400   0.2              5   5.0        CRABTREE S-P-S   
6733  71693  1512633900   0.2              9   9.0     ISLAND VIEW S-P-S   
6734  71699  1512633300   0.2             15  15.0      SAND PUMP HOPPER   
6735  71716  1512633300   0.2             29  29.0         SHONGWENI DAM   
6736  71717  1512632100   0.2             30  30.0              PINETOWN   
6737  71734  1512633600   0.2             38  38.0               UMH NTH   
6738  71774  1512634500   0.2             18  18.0         WENTWORTH RES   
6739  71785  1512627600   0.4             33  33.0         UMBUMBULU RES   
6740  71786  1512627900   0.4             33  33.0         UMBUMBULU RES   
6741  71787  1512636300   0.2             34  34.0          ISIPINGO RES   
6742  71788  1512636600   0.2             34  34.0          ISIPINGO RES   
6743  71796  1512634800   0.2             35  35.0              UMKDEPOT   
6744  80001  1512605100   nan             43   NaN                   NaN   
6745  80002  1512606000   nan             43   NaN                   NaN   
6746  80003  1512606600   nan             43   NaN                   NaN   
6747  80004  1512606900   nan             43   NaN                   NaN   
6748  80005  1512608700   nan             43   NaN                   NaN   

      location_x  location_y  region_id reference  ward_id  
0      31.005075  -29.933965        1.0    bluff3     66.0  
1      31.005075  -29.933965        1.0    bluff3     66.0  
2      31.005075  -29.933965        1.0    bluff3     66.0  
3      31.005075  -29.933965        1.0    bluff3     66.0  
4      31.005075  -29.933965        1.0    bluff3     66.0  
5      31.005075  -29.933965        1.0    bluff3     66.0  
6      31.005075  -29.933965        1.0    bluff3     66.0  
7      31.005075  -29.933965        1.0    bluff3     66.0  
8      31.005075  -29.933965        1.0    bluff3     66.0  
9      31.005075  -29.933965        1.0    bluff3     66.0  
10     31.005075  -29.933965        1.0    bluff3     66.0  
11     30.900285  -29.911171        1.0    chats1     70.0  
12     30.900285  -29.911171        1.0    chats1     70.0  
13     30.900285  -29.911171        1.0    chats1     70.0  
14     30.900285  -29.911171        1.0    chats1     70.0  
15     30.900285  -29.911171        1.0    chats1     70.0  
16     30.900285  -29.911171        1.0    chats1     70.0  
17     30.900285  -29.911171        1.0    chats1     70.0  
18     30.900285  -29.911171        1.0    chats1     70.0  
19     30.900285  -29.911171        1.0    chats1     70.0  
20     30.859903  -29.903620        1.0    chats4     71.0  
21     30.859903  -29.903620        1.0    chats4     71.0  
22     30.859903  -29.903620        1.0    chats4     71.0  
23     30.859903  -29.903620        1.0    chats4     71.0  
24     30.859903  -29.903620        1.0    chats4     71.0  
25     30.859903  -29.903620        1.0    chats4     71.0  
26     30.859903  -29.903620        1.0    chats4     71.0  
27     31.023634  -29.851328        1.0   cityeng     26.0  
28     31.023634  -29.851328        1.0   cityeng     26.0  
29     31.023634  -29.851328        1.0   cityeng     26.0  
         ...         ...        ...       ...      ...  
6719   30.923468  -30.014299        4.0  isipingo     93.0  
6720   30.923468  -30.014299        4.0  isipingo     93.0  
6721   30.923468  -30.014299        4.0  isipingo     93.0  
6722   30.866731  -30.048904        4.0   amanzim     97.0  
6723   30.900285  -29.911171        1.0    chats1     70.0  
6724   30.992646  -29.883997        1.0  crabtree     32.0  
6725   30.988069  -29.934086        1.0   wentwth     68.0  
6726   30.294999  -29.880668        3.0  riverlea      3.0  
6727   31.005075  -29.933965        1.0    bluff3     66.0  
6728   31.005075  -29.933965        1.0    bluff3     66.0  
6729   31.023634  -29.851328        1.0   cityeng     26.0  
6730   30.992646  -29.883997        1.0  crabtree     32.0  
6731   30.992646  -29.883997        1.0  crabtree     32.0  
6732   30.992646  -29.883997        1.0  crabtree     32.0  
6733   31.033217  -29.895545        1.0  islandvw     66.0  
6734   31.050144  -29.872875        1.0  sandpump     26.0  
6735   30.722337  -29.860570        3.0  shongdam      7.0  
6736   30.861785  -29.816873        3.0       ptn     18.0  
6737   31.077676  -29.730088        2.0    umhnth     35.0  
6738   30.988069  -29.934086        1.0   wentwth     68.0  
6739   30.707848  -29.981689        4.0  umbumbul      3.0  
6740   30.707848  -29.981689        4.0  umbumbul      3.0  
6741   30.923468  -30.014299        4.0  isipingo     93.0  
6742   30.923468  -30.014299        4.0  isipingo     93.0  
6743   30.754047  -30.200036        4.0  umkdepot     99.0  
6744         NaN         NaN        NaN       NaN      NaN  
6745         NaN         NaN        NaN       NaN      NaN  
6746         NaN         NaN        NaN       NaN      NaN  
6747         NaN         NaN        NaN       NaN      NaN  
6748         NaN         NaN        NaN       NaN      NaN  

[6749 rows x 11 columns]

The result DataFrame from a left join (merged_left) looks very much like the result DataFrame from an inner join (merged_inner) in terms of the columns it contains. However, unlike merged_inner, merged_left contains the same number of rows as the original rain_df DataFrame. When we inspect merged_left, we find there are rows where the information that should have come from gauges_df (i.e., name, location_x, etc) is missing (they contain NaN values):

merged_left[ pd.isnull( ]


         ID          UT  data  raingauges_id  id name  location_x  location_y  \
6744  80001  1512605100   nan             43 NaN  NaN         NaN         NaN   
6745  80002  1512606000   nan             43 NaN  NaN         NaN         NaN   
6746  80003  1512606600   nan             43 NaN  NaN         NaN         NaN   
6747  80004  1512606900   nan             43 NaN  NaN         NaN         NaN   
6748  80005  1512608700   nan             43 NaN  NaN         NaN         NaN   

      region_id reference  ward_id  
6744        NaN       NaN      NaN  
6745        NaN       NaN      NaN  
6746        NaN       NaN      NaN  
6747        NaN       NaN      NaN  
6748        NaN       NaN      NaN  

These rows are the ones where the value of raingauges_id from rain_df (in this case, 43) does not occur in gauges_df.

Other join types

The pandas merge function supports two other join types:

Final Challenges


  1. Create a new DataFrame by joining the contents of the raingauge_data.csv and raingauges.csv tables. Then summarise the data (rainfall) over:

    1. raingauges by region_id
    2. raingauges by day by region_id
  2. In the data folder, there is a region CSV that contains information about the region associated with each raingauge. Use that data together with the raingauges table to count the raingauges per region and show the raingauges names per region name.

Key Points

  • the method .pivot_table() creates pivot tables or can just be used to reshape data from long to wide format

  • the method .melt() brings data back to long format

  • the function pd.concat() can be used to concatenate/stack two DataFrames

  • axis = 0 will stack vertically and axis = 1 horizontally

  • the function pd.merge() can be used to join two DataFrames and requires joining keys

  • pandas can perform inner joins, the default option in merge(), left joins, right joins and full joins